Mission Thrive

Human Health & Environment
To improve human health and living conditions by promoting sustainable habits, creating access to clean air and water, and providing practical healthcare.
Mozambique & South Africa
A Global Issue
Around the world, over 3 billion people use solid fuels like wood and charcoal for cooking. Not only does this cause environmental damage from harvesting forests, but it has a huge negative impact on people - their health, and their social and economic opportunities. Mission Thrive is working to help provide a solution for the pervasive problem of solid fuel use.
A Global Solution
Funding support allows Seeds of Change to work with local partners to build infrastructure, market and distribute clean cookstoves and fuel. It empowers economies in a sustainable manner by helping local businesses flourish and provide jobs for their communities. The new, clean energy source replaces toxic fuels and eliminates negative health impacts by providing fresh air in homes. As a result, adopting families will have improved social situations and benefit from cost savings that can be put toward education and clothing. Communities around the world will begin to see transformation in economies, personal health, income, and social opportunities.
Nigeria – Madagascar – South Sudan
Health Initiatives
Health education, training and resources are a key component of the support we provide to regions around the world, recognizing that without this, individuals cannot learn well, care for their families, or improve economically. See below to learn more about who we support.
Global Health Ministries NigeriaGlobal Health Ministries Madagascar
DENG Foundation
Stove and Fuel Support
Working to build a strong foundation for clean cooking with biofuels requires quality products - the key to any successful program. Our partners have devoted years to developing various models of safe, consistent cookstoves. Funding support assists in creating quality standards, bulk product purchases through loans, lowering the cost of stoves for consumers, and initiating carbon finance mechanisms. The combination of these lowers the cooking cost for consumers and has a huge positive impact on the health and well-being of families for generations.
Green 66 Innovations
CLEANCOOK Sweden ABGarner Advisors
Did You Know?
Over 3 billion people worldwide cook with solid fuels; this accounts for over 4.3 million deaths each year that are attributed to indoor air pollution. The number is more than HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB combined.