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Legacy Giving

We strongly believe individuals whose lives are impacted by the missions within Seeds of Change will go on to change their families, communities, and countries. Your generosity can further the efforts we've begun. Please consider giving in a manner that will influence many generations to come. Consider the options below and select one that fits into your financial goals both now, and into the future.

Charitable Bequest

This gift allows for you to notify the organization that you have made arrangements through your will to support the projects you are passionate about, leaving a legacy that will last for years.

Non-Cash Asset

This gift would offer you the chance to provide securities, life insurance policies, retirement accounts, or real property as an alternative to providing a cash gift.

Charitable Annuity

An annuity would allow you to donate a large sum to the organization, and then receive an annual income from that sum until the end of the pay period.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A trust would allow you to set up a gift to the organization that pays an annual amount to the trustee. Once the trust term ends, the beneficiaries would receive the remaining funds in the trust.